Friday, March 22, 2013

~ Interest Groups ~

1.) From Table 8.1 in the text, select one of the interest groups and do some research on their issues and beliefs. What did you learn? What did you find interesting? Do you agree/disagree with their positions on issues? Why?

I choose the NEA (National Education Association) as my interest group to research. I learned that they are now at 3.2 million members, which makes it the largest union in the United States. The NEA believes that every student in America, regardless of family income or where they reside, deserves a quality education. They believe that individuals are strengthened when they work together for the common good. The NEA feels that if they advocate collectively that they improve both their professional status, as well as the quality of public education. They believe that partnering with parents, families, communities, and other stakeholders in our children's education is essential to the quality of education that our children get. Public education is the gateway to opportunity, and the cornerstone to our republic. Public education is a vital part of building respect, dignity, and equality in our diverse society, and it teaches students the skills to be informed, involved, and engaged in our society as well as American democracy. The NEA believes that all students have the human and civil right to a quality public education that develops their character, independence, and potential.
I found it interesting that the NEA has stepped forward in preparing our youth for being productive adults by associating themselves with many other agencies. They have started to incorporate basic life skills into the education of our children, such as teaching them how to shape their financial futures, informing our youth on how to participate in our democracy and use their voice to vote, and educating them on alternative power sources in order to focus on a more "green" society. In doing this they are informing our children how to  function productively as they become adults and enter our society. I feel this is one of the reasons so many people in the younger generations have taken part in the last couple of Presidential elections.
I definitely agree with the NEA on their issues. I think they have a wonderful plan set out for the futures of the children of this country and support them 100%. I am currently raising my 6 year old grand-daughter so this is an area of great importance to me, and to know that the NEA is working collectively with families and communities in order to educate her is of the utmost importance to me. I think schools should teach our children and grand-children the basics of life, because not all parents do it in the home. I think the NEA has recognized this and are taking positive steps to make up for what some children are not taught in the home, which better prepares them for society.

2.) Find an interest group with which you associate (positively). What is the name of the group and what do you find persuasive about their position on issues?

An interest group with which I associate with, as a former member, a union wife, daughter, and grand-daughter, is LIUNA (Laborer's International Union of North America). I have been involved with different union activities since I was a child. LIUNA works hard to get out and find work for their members and their families. They expect their members to make a sincere commitment and be active in the monthly union meetings, and they want their members to actively voice their opinions and vote, as well as being involved in local and some national charities.
LIUNA members make more money per hour regardless of their gender and regardless of their ethnic background. They offer classes in every state and provide valuable learning in skills such as Radiation handling, HAZ-MAT handling and safety, as well as OSHA training to learn safety and procedures in case of an emergency on a job site. They also offer classes to further basic and advanced skills training. Most of these classes and training programs are federally funded and offered to union members at no cost, and allows them to gain certificates and additional job qualifications. This training allows employers to compete with higher productivity and quality work, and workers earn more money and work in much safer environments.
LIUNA members are also better able to care for themselves and their families during the health care crisis in America. Statistics (census bureau)  show that 82% of LIUNA members have health care coverage and LIUNA is constantly working at the forefront of the battle for health care solutions and ways to reduce costs to it's members. LIUNA members also have a defined pension and security plan for a secure retirement.
I agree with their position of taking care of their workers and their union families. In being the wife of a LIUNA worker, I feel a better about my families future, when we reach retirement age because I know that we will have a solid retirement income and will be better able to live and keep some form of quality to our lifestyle with health benefits and financial security, as well as death benefits that would take care of my family if something were to happen to either me or my spouse.

3. Do interest groups have enough / too much / the right amount / of power in the political system? Most believe its a fine line balance between freedom of speech for the groups and keeping unfair persuasion out of government. Where is the line crossed and when is it crossed?

My views on the power and influence in our political system change depending on which group you are talking about. I feel that some groups, such as the NEA, the AACSE, and the AFT have just enough power on the political system and their decisions to make educational changes for the youth of America. I feel these are some of the interest groups who are making positive strides toward building a better future for the youth of this country and that they are attempting to teach our children how important participating in politics and democracy has become.
Other groups such as the drug and healthcare groups have gained far too much influence, in my opinion. The cost of medical care and medicines has gotten outrageous and so many Americans have been left out along the way. I feel that most of these groups are driven by pure greed and profit, and that many people in America have been left by the wayside with no medical coverage and unable to pay the cost for escalating doctor's fees and medications that they truly need. I personally know people who cannot afford the medications they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to the rising costs of their medications. I think that is wrong, no matter how you look at it.
There are still other groups that maintain just the right amount of power to influence positive changes for our citizens. So in answering this question, it would depend on what interest group we would be talking about.
There is a "fine line" that can be crossed when it comes to persuading the officials of our government and I feel that this line is crossed when it comes to healthcare in this country. I also feel the line is crossed when it comes to the gas and oil industry, as well. I think they are better able to influence our politicians because of the amount of money they are able to throw around and in some cases are able to buy politicians. It is a known fact that since the formation of our American government that there has always been some form of corruption in political offices nationwide and most of it has to do with money and the influence that money carries with our politicians.

*Blog Comments*
Gabrielle Miller
Albert Munoz
Tim Tunkel


  1. I agree with you on number three--generally speaking they have a good balance of power. There are a few exceptions that have more control, or try to but I think overall these unions and interest groups hold a good balance of power. I also found LIUNA to be interesting. SInce I do not know much about the different groups, it's interesting to find out about each one.

  2. I like to see someone with a comparative stance on interest group influence in politics. It is good to have it on a basis of which group rather than categorizing them all into one collective. I really do wish the education system for youth was given a better chance. I mean look at Finland's education system which we could really take some ideas from including: smaller student to teacher ratios, better pay for teachers, and requiring a masters to teach.

  3. I agree that the NEA gives off a very good influence. I also agree that they really have a good influence over the goverment. This was the first blog I read that wasn't about the NEA or ATF so that was pretty intresting to me.

  4. I also looked at NEA and AFT. I also think they are both very good influences on our school systems. I like how they are against bullying and the no child left behind act. I didn’t see where they were up to three point two million members though. I seen in our text book that is was the largest union in the U.S.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Miss Kristy, I got the membership numbers from their web site.

  5. LIUNA sounds, by your description, a very family oriented interest group. Concerning the whole healthcare situation in our nation right now, it is very fortunate for some that there are people out there actively looking for ways to make sure that they get the best benefits- at the best price- as possible.

  6. I completely agree with you about the NEA. What the NEA is striving to do with education is a wonderful thing. However, it is very unfortunate that both society and national policies that are in place, starting with NCLB, are completely blocking our children from getting a quality education that will lead to their success in society. Current policy has taken away the educator's focus on mastery of material and functional skills and placed it on standardized test scores and graduation rates. Also, due to a societal shift, discipline has been taken out of schools. So has accountablility for students and parents, while teachers are held solely responsible for student performance. As a result, students are going through school with a sense of entitlement, lack of respect or work ethic, and a severe lack of the true values, knowledge, or skills they need to truly succeed in the real world. It is for these reasons that the field of teaching is losing good teachers and being filled with people who follow along as robots. I will not go back into education unless I find a school that functions as a school should or the system changes.

  7. Thank you all for stopping by and commenting on my blog!!! =)
