Friday, April 12, 2013

~~ Congress ~~

1.) Who are your Senators and Congressman?

The Tennessee Senators are Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander. My Congressman is Kent Calfee who serves the 32nd District of Tennessee.

2.) Research the areas they champion and find one you support. What is it and why do you also support it?

In researching Lamar Alexander, I found that his position on gun control is a little different than most Republican politicians. He feels that there needs to be gun control restrictions, but he feels that they need to be limited. I also feel that something needs to be done regarding gun control, but it needs to be done in such a way that it doesn't infringe upon our second amendment rights as citizens to bear arms. Senator Alexander has vowed to examine each and every proposal put before him to see if it strengthens or infringes upon a citizens Constitutional right to bear arms. I believe that something needs to be done, but that doing something that would infringe upon our given Constitutional rights is crossing the line. I think this is an issue that does require government intervention, but I think it also requires intervention at the law enforcement level. I do agree with background checks in order to purchase guns. The last thing I want is for the gun stores to open their doors for anyone to be able to walk in and buy guns and ammunition with no background check of any kind. The NRA has given Senator Alexander an A rating, which is good, because they agree with how he is handling the issues around gun control. In a press release posted this week on Senator Alexanders web site, he states,
 “I’m always ready to defend and debate the Second Amendment constitutional
rights of Tennesseans. In fact, I look forward to sponsoring and voting for
amendments that strengthen those rights. To be unwilling to defend and debate
Second Amendment rights on the Senate floor would be like joining the Grand Ole
Opry and being unwilling to sing.”

3.) Find an issue one of your Senators or Congressman champions that you disagree with. Why do you disagree? 

In researching Bob Corker, I found that he does not support gay marriage, which I had already assumed, since he is Republican, and I definitely disagree with him on this issue. I think who you marry should be a personal choice and a private choice. Not everyone is the same and people just love who they love whether it is same sex or the opposite sex. They have different reasons for choosing a same sex partner and I personally know several people who are in same sex relationships due to abuse from relationships they have been in with the opposite sex. Some scientist have actually researched why people choose same sex partners and have provided research information that some people are just born that way, which leads me to ask the question... who could a hermaphrodite legally marry? Would they be violating the law by marrying a man? Would they be violating the law by marrying a woman? Corker believes that the state law in Tennessee regarding marriage is fine the way it is and he supports leaving the states in control of the laws regarding marriage. I disagree!!! 

**Blog Comments**
Brandi Lively
Tim Tunkel
Albert Munoz

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