Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chapter 3 ~ Federalism

1.) In my opinion a strong national government is required for our country, with certain powers and decisions left to the individual states. I think both forms of government should work together for the good of all people. In having a strong national government, we are better able to protect our nation from domestic and foreign enemies. Having a strong government enables our representatives and congressmen to work together with other national and state government officials to set in place laws in this country for the protection of our people. A strong government is also able to protect our rights and freedoms as individuals, just like some of the founding fathers of this country envisioned.

2.) Republican President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) was a supporter of New Federalism for the national government of our country which began again with the Nixon Administration (1969-1974). He felt that the government was not the solution to problems in our country, but that the government itself was the problem. He cut back on categorical grants, which were monies form Congress to the states that had to be spent in specific categories, and put into place block grants. These block grants were monies from Congress to the states that had to be spent in broader categories. He limited the restrictions on these grants allowing the states more control over how the money was spent. At the same time, he also eliminated general revenue sharing.
In my opinion, this was an appropriate shift because in doing this, President Reagan dissolved the general revenue sharing program which was too lenient, and he done away with the categorical grants which were too strict and put into place a system of grants to the states which held some accountability for monies they were granted, but didn't allow the national government total control on how thew monies were spent. In doing this, he let the states decide where the money was most needed for the betterment of the people within the state.

3.) Regarding education, I feel that the state and local governments should be in charge of educating the children in their communities with limited power from the federal government. I feel the educators in our state and communities know our children and families better than the federal officials do and are better aware of the traditions and community compositions than the people in our federal government because most of them don't live here. I think the federal government should monitor how education is working in individual states and communities and have some sort of system in place to step in and assist if something doesn't seem to be working.  

Blog Comments:
Amber Waters
J. Albert Munoz
Gabby Miller


  1. I do not really agree with your thoughts on having a stronger national government. I believe its important for the national government to share its powers with the states governments because when they work together its generally for the good of the people because we have individuals involved conveying our thoughts and opinions. It makes it more personal to feel like youre involved in the government. I do agree with your thoughts on Ronald Reagan and those shifts in power.

  2. I think you have a good point on the changes that Reagan made. I think that the block grants were good because the states could decide where to spend the money that the government gave them. If the government still made the states spend the money on one particular thing or in a particular category it wouldn't be good for some states that might need to use the money elsewhere.

  3. I liked your post. It covered alot of good info especially how Reagan changed how the states decided where hey put the oney given to hem by the government. However, I sort of disagree with you when it comes to the education portion of your blog. As the government should atleast take a supervisory role into how education is taking place through-out the United States to ensure that everone is given the proper matierials and educated to the best of everyones ability. Great Post reguardless!

  4. I dont agree with you about having a strong national government, I do believe that states governments should share some of the control. They would be able to hear the local public alought more than the national government would. I totally agree with you about your school post. But we do need to get alought more strict with our education, and the national government could possibly have more affect than state governments.

  5. Thank you all for stopping by and posting on my blog! It's always interesting to see how everyone's opinions compare.

  6. Well that was well written and more complex than my statements in syntax, but I must disagree with a stronger national government. The power should be equal at least with power leaning more upon individual states. Some things cannot be forced on states where the populace will not accept it.

  7. I agree with you when it comes to President Reagan. He did a lot of things for our country at that time (despite what people say or think). He had a clear agenda in mind and he stuck to it. Most of what he did worked.

  8. I agree with you about education. Our state and local governments know what they need more than the federal government because to the federal gov. all the schools look the same.
